• Work Related Design

    Have not shared for while of what I have been working on at Sioux Steel. Lately, I have been busy creating iContact emails which are sent out to dealers or customers, depending on the content of the email. It can range from 500-2,000 usually which is crazy. I am glad I have the opportunity to…

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  • Product Label Assignment

    In Design Development, we were assigned to pick a product label to re-create. It narrowed down the section of choices because it had to be an in-mould product label. This meant that the label takes the shape of the mold. To provide of an example, with laundry detergent bottles, the label fits into the mold…

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  • Local Interview Subject

    In Media Writing, we have had to pick a locally owned business to interview and it was tough to get in contact with the first one I chose because of the limited amount of time he had. I was going to go with King Bird Coffee in Brandon, SD, but I changed it to a…

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