• Building a Website using Bootstrap

    In our New Media Development class, we have just completed an app prototype. Now, we are onto something new! We will build a website that will be using bootstrap. What this means is when you are resizing a website for example on your laptop or computer screen, the contents of the website will most likely…

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  • Perceiving Color

    We are going to present a presentation this week in Design Development and my group has learned about the way we perceive color. Here is some information I have learned and will use to my advantage when designing. We are able to have certain colors interact with each other based from the color wheel. So,…

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  • Package Design

    My package is coming together! I feel very confident with how my package is starting to be visually appealing you could say. 😅 There are some elements within my design that still needs some work though. I am working on with what should be said on my package and how to create an engaging welcome…

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